This art [astronomy] which is as it were the head of all the liberal arts and the one most worthy of a free man leans upon nearly all the other branches of mathematics. Arithmetic, geometry, optics, geodesy, mechanics, and whatever others, all offer themselves in its service.
Nicolaus Copernicus, Introduction to De Revoluntionibus, 1543.
Welcome to 2011 Astronomical Gallery Page !
December highlight: COMET LOVEJOY |
age by Yu Image by Yuri Beletsky, (ESO) ri Beletsky,
Sky Guide Africa South 2012: R 75.00 |
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Comet Lovejoy Grazes the Sun (and survives)
Steele Hill of SOHO/STEREO/SDO Media , NASA Goddard Space Flight Center comments:
Comet Lovejoy came into view on Dec. 14 as a bright, white streak, skimmed across the Sun’s edge about 140,000 km above the surface late Dec. 15 and early Dec. 16, 2011, furiously brightening and vaporizing as it approached the Sun. It exited our field of view on Dec. 18. It was the brightest sun-grazing comet that SOHO had ever seen, with a nucleus about twice as wide as a football field. It unexpectedly survived the pass and cruised out from behind the Sun some hours later. Comets are ancient balls of dust and ice.
In the image below, we combine views from SOHO’s two different coronagraphs (which block out the Sun) with solar Dynamics Observatory’s view of the Sun itself. Note how the tail of the comet always turns away from the Sun due to the forces of the solar wind.

13 December 2011
Yet another remarkable image by Dieter Willasch has been welcomed by the editors of NASA's Astronomy Picture Of the Day (APOD) web site. This is a crop of the original image. The full version and editorial article can be viewed at
Another image by Dieter, voted by the public, was used this year for the front cover of the Sky Guide Africa South 2012.
Haven't got your copy yet? Click HERE
Image by Dieter Willasch (Astro-Cabinet) I
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03 December 2011
ISS pass over South Africa. Visit Spacecraft page to see large image and for more info.
Image by O.Toumilovitch
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30 September 2011
Visit our Comet C/2009 P1 Garradd image gallery to view the images by South African astro-photographers. Latest image- 5th October 2011 by Kos Coronaios.
Image by K. Coronaios
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31 July 2011
Three large sunspot groups are moving across the solar disc, continuously changing size and shape.
Image by O. Toumilovitch
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16 July 2011
"What an amazing sight and a tremendous closure to the Shuttle program in this way.."
Image by W. Koorts
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16 July 2011
Space Shuttle Atlantis, docked to the International station, is in it's final space voyage. More images from South Africa will be on display during following few days. Spotter Page
Image by O. Toumilovitch
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14 July 2011
My latest and best so far result of the Moon / Airplane project.
Also visit the "Spotter Page" to see the images.
Images by O. Toumilovitch
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02 July 2011
"What is now the Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory or HartRAO was originally built in 1961 by NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the USA, as a tracking station for its probes that were being sent to explore space beyond Earth orbit. It was also known as the Deep Space Instrumentation Facility (DSIF). It was officially opened in July 1961, 50 years ago. The antenna was originally built with an aluminum mesh surface, and operated at a frequency of 960 MHz, i.e. a wavelength of about 30 cm. The lightweight mesh surface was quite transparent optically." (Courtesy of HartRAO)
Visit HartRAO web site
Image by O. Toumilovitch
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15 June 2011
Watch Eclipsed Moon in 3D, as well as a collection of great eclipse images from South Africa!
Total Lunar Eclipse Page
Image by O. Toumilovitch
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ISS imaged as it files over South Africa on the 50th anniversary of the first manned space flight.
View Spacecraft page
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21 March , 2011
Lost in space? No, it's just a perfect alignment. As the Moon rises, the airplanes cross the line of sight between the telescope and the Moon. Sounds easy, but in fact it should be easier to catch the ISS crossing the disc of the Moon or the Sun by using accurate predictions by the Calc Sky , than to catch an airplane - they are so unpredictable! Continue..
Images by O.Toumilovitch
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Waterberg Planetary Festival
WPF- 2008 |
Last flight of Atlantis

Comet C/2009 P1 Garradd

FOTON AstroCam V1:
Saturn at "opposition"-April 2011

More AstroCam images
